A Guide SEO Step by Step
Today I am about to share with you 75 keys that can easily increase your website visitors from search engines. I tried to sort and classify all the steps that I follow and the tools that I use to do SEO.
I am sure that this SEO Manual you will greatly increase your views. Because ultimately the good positioning in Google means more visits, what is sure for all we care.

Pic Credit- Pixabay
Positioning through the Google Keywords
1. Choose well your keywords: define what searches people are going to try to position ago. Consider the number of searches for each term to find your best keywords. You can use Google Trends to define your strategy Google natural positioning.
2. Check the competition: You can use the following tool to check not only the number of searches on each keyword, but also competition they have. So you know that words are more affordable as the popularity of your website: Keyword Tool Google Adwords
3. Measure the density of the words: Analyze your page and discover what words are used more. Try to repeat over those that want to position well. Use this tool Internet Ninja
4. Use the keywords: Use them in your texts, labels and categories. The first 200 words of each page are more valuable, so it is good idea to intro summarizing the article. At the same time encourage the rest of the reading, you take advantage to position your words.
5. Keywords in titles and bold: If you can you use them to create titles and step to echo on them for your content. If you can highlight some bold in each article you put it easier for Google to Understand.
6. Measures and your natural positioning for different keywords: Check your rankings in search engines for all your keywords. You can use the following free tool to install on your computer: CuteRank tell you the page number where you go out on Google for each search.
Site configuration by the SEO Manual
7. Meta description and title: Defines for each page of your website a description and a title in the Meta tags of each header <head>. These are the titles and descriptions will look in Google and those who intend to attract attention. If you use WordPress you can use for example All in One SEO Pack . You will have a new edition forms SEO on each item.
8. URL friendly and edited: Use a writing system URL to be like your titles. You can shorten and edit to contain as many keywords. In WordPress you can activate this feature in Settings, and you can edit each URL in editing each article.
9. Create and send sitemap to search engines: sitemaps to help search engines index your site and keep them updated on your cache. Google and Bing have their own pages for you to send them your files. You can use XML Sitemaps Generator
10. automates sending sitemaps: As sending sitemaps we should do every time there is a change, it is best to automate it. With WordPress you can do with the plugin Google XML Sitemaps
11. Transcribe your audiovisual content: The content of your videos or presentations is not indexed by Google so it's a good idea to make a text transcript and if you can find space.
12. Favicon: The favicon is the little logo that appears in each tab and favorites and identifies every web. You can create your own and upload it to your template: http://www.favicon.cc/
13. Avoid using cookies: unnecessary requests and problems with data privacy.
14. Use rel = "author": Sets the authorship of your publications and displays the image of the author in search engines. It will help draw attention to your articles and giving them personality in Google.
The images in the search engine positioning
15. Title and Description: Includes all images TITLE and ALT tags. Otherwise search engines will not know what they are and can not index them. If you're really lazy you can use SEO Friendly Images in WordPress to automatically fill.
16. Specify size: Always define what the image size, either in HTML with their width and heigh labels, or WordPress to publish. If your browser does not change the page size to the completed image and will not be any good until fully charged. Google wants that from the outset our sizes are going to be, they grow not look.
17. No scale images in HTML: Decide which is the size of each image in the article and upload it to that size. If belittle or HTML editor of the blog, you will be having to carry large alike.
18. Optimize images for the web: Use a compressor or save for Web in Photoshop. Not the best picture quality for the web is necessary and images occupy much data download. We want the page to load as soon as possible. You can use blog tool Smush it , which allows you to automatically improve the compression of your images.
19. Combine images using CSS sprites: If your template or design uses many small images together, it is recommended that combine into a single image and define the links using CSS sprites.
Links cares for a good SEO
20. diversified Anchor text: These are the words in which they can click to visit your website. We must try to link descriptively, using keywords and not always the same, but varying them, making them look as natural recommendations. You can use: Backlink Anchor Text Analysis
21. Check broken links: Google hates us if we see broken links. We must help all our links and check regularly, every week. With this online tool is simple and tell us which do not work: InternetMarketingNinjas
22. Avoid redirects: Both on our site as link when other pages. The previous tool also tell us that links need to be redirected to another address and suggests that acortemos steps.
23. Automate the search for broken links: We can use a WordPress plugin to warn us when a link goes down: Broken Link Checker
24. Meet the PageRank: The assessment made by Google from 0 to 10 for each site on its position and authority. Meet and measures the evolution of your PageRank and sites that you link or propose link exchange. You can use http://pgchecker.info
25. No malicious links or illegal content: Google penalizes pages that link content with viruses or declared pirate.
26. Looking at where your competition link: Learn from your strategy as well as find new ways to get links and better positioning.
27. Use internal links: Search where noted other parts of your site and get used to link your articles naturally together.
We avoid duplicate content
28. Original texts: Check that all your texts are original. If not, Google will be the first to know and negatively punctuate your page. You can use Copyscape .
29. No-index our duplicate content: will add the no-index tag on our pages where our content out repeated: the categories, file dates and labels. With All in One SEO Pack we can configure WordPress.
30. Home to only show: will not include the full text of articles on the home page of our blog, only one part sample and a link to read more But Google will have duplicated the same texts and the article itself. one will no longer have exclusive content.
31. Meta Description and Title without repeating: In the descriptions for search engines can not be repeated because it would create any other conflict seekers.
32. Canonical URL: Make sure that your web address is canonical: http://brunovd.com and http://www.brunovd.com
33. The same design for web and mobile is preferable to use an adaptive design or Responsive allowing us to have the same design for all devices. If we have two different versions, search engines find duplicate content and will have to have two parallel copies of the site.
Your Guide SEO Style
34. Create fun and original content: Make these make the reader spend more time on your page and view other pages of the site. Google increasingly takes more account factors usability and stay on your website, so that the greatest trick is to be great and noteworthy. Study time and bounce rate for each item they prefer to turn your readers.
35. Long Contents: If your page is 4 paragraphs the reader will not last more than 20 seconds. Try to make more ambitious content and get longer retain the reader. That if, without going, because you might fall into the opposite error and significantly increase the load time of the page.
36. Take care of your visitors from devices: Visits from mobiles and tablets are an important part of the statistics and you have to take care of the usability and presentation of your site for these resolutions. If you want longer they are on your page you must have an adaptable design or alternatively a version of the mobile web. You can check your website for all resolutions and devices with this tool: Screenfly
37. Post regularly: Searchers appreciate that your website is up to date and alive. Is published at least weekly to be listed as an active source of information. If your site is static, try to create a blog section you can post more often and make Landing Pages to attract different types of search engine searches
38. Participate and connect with your community: It will be the best way to link you and you mentioned. It helps other and solve the questions of comments. Interact and participate with that community interested in your content. If you need to review Social Media ideas, I recommend the Community Manager's Manual 8 free guides .
39. Protocol after each item: After publishing each article runs a protocol of actions that go refined over time. This should take about 20 minutes and is very important to do after publishing each article or page. We could publish on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, G +, LinkedIn groups, forums in which you participate, comments on news articles, directories, aggregators favorites ... The initial work is good to get some first links on websites and shared on social networks . Your articles are always visible in the search engines the first 4 days, so the initial boost helps increase visits in those better days.
40. Guest Blogging: Write an article on other blogs guest. You can raise awareness in other spaces and also get quality links to your website. In many blogs you can accept or propose. For example, if you write about marketing and Social Media you can send your articles to PuroMarketing .
41. offers some valuable content: Prepares and provides some content you offer from a landing page that can link and you can monitor the visits. Try it necessary to go to your page to access the content. It's a good idea to combine that with the use of other tools such as Pay with a Tweet or subscription by mail with MailChimp .
42. Make a specific SEO work for different Landing Page that can create to find ways to attract people to your website. Positioned content for certain keywords and monitors the visits you get to that page by search engines.
43. Take care of the reader: Remove unnecessary publicity for example that you are not giving any money from your website. You save loading time and improve the usability of your page.
Avoid penalties Google
44. Do not put keywords out of context: Do not use a technique of using keyword text massively in no sense to increase the density or receive visitors.
45. Do not put hidden text: Google heavily penalizes the technique of writing text that the reader does not see beneath pictures, videos or other layers, in order to position certain terms.
46. Avoid errors of code that can: Searchers prefer those pages with code that meets the standards and will correct for most situations. The best way we know how right is our code, is to use the tool of W3C Markup Validator
47. Go easy on the exchange of links: It's ok to have some (5 to 20) Exchange links with other sites, provided they are of a very akin to our theme and have real participation between the two. RECOMMEND create large collections of links exchanged with other sites of various subjects or various specialties. Best of all are those you win because you deserve.
It reduces the load time of your page and Google will love you much
48. Measure and improves the speed of your site: It is one of the most important factors in a good position and we can use various tools to measure it. With Google Page Speed will tell us many places where we can improve our speed. Another widely used tool is the application for Chrome Yslow , it will also give us many recommendations.
49. Do not abuse the codes in javascript: Check your page uses javascript few and tries to save where they are not needed. We like to put him many functions and effects to websites, regardless of weight that entails.
50. Eliminates WordPress plugins: Uninstall all plugins that do not use and try to save those who can. Values in each case that offers functions and work size and give the web each time they are charged. From 600kb data load javascript in your homepage, is beginning to be too much. You can tell that weigh more with plugins Plugin Profiler P3 . In the course of WordPress that I installed and tried many plugins, but then also have to analyze your speed and remove the majority who are not really useful. In our WordPress Course in Aula CM and we tried many plugins installed, but in the end always touches assess the worthwhile stay.
51. Put the end of the code javascript: Try to place the burden of javascript as far back as possible code. If you must be in the head, that is the end. If it can be in the body, at the end also. This prevents the page to display the contents wait until the java loaded.
52. Delay or defer load javascript: You can use HTML and java loaded to force the end javascript plugins. WordPress have this component that helps us carry our heaviest plugins after displaying the page content: Lazy Loader Widget
53. Save and clean your code: Your code is not what most occupies, but opens many times. You can clean your html, css and php files and compress unnecessary entries with the aid of a tool.
54. Minimize your CSS and Java-Script: You can use the tool Minify for any website to combine and reduce your CSS and Java Script files. In WordPress you can access it through the plugin W3 Total Cache .
55. Combine your Javascript: If you have more than 3 or 4 javascript that load on every page, it is a good idea to combine them into a single file and save requests and time. Perhaps the part of the article where more knowledge is needed, but with a very basic idea of java will be known together. In WordPress you can use JS & CSS Script Optimizer
56. Use the page: If your content is very long and presentations for blog articles, we paginate the contents so that they are not too long and heavy. The blog page should be limited to 5 or 6 items, and always just a sample or a header, not complete.
57. Reduce the number of DNS queries: Try not bind or load images from many different domains. Try to make all http requests to your own domain. But it takes long to solve the various requests and greatly increase the load time
58. Few calls http: We recommend that our pages do the least possible number of requests to the server. I recommend do not pass 25. The tool GTmetrix you measure and analyze this data.
59. Compress gzip: We enable gzip compression, which is how the Web Zip code. The explorers downloaded and processed faster so that today it is essential to use. WordPress we can enable the plugin above W3 Total Cache .
60. Use the page cache: The cache is a copy of the page that keeps the reader not to have to load the next time you ask for it. There are several types of systems cache. With W3 Total Cache and other plugins can help you with the images too. The page speed increase sharply in all cases.
61. Use cache for Java-Script: The java-script plug-ins have been that are the heaviest part of the web with the images, so if we keep in cache will also save many times its load.
62. Determine an expiration date of the cache: We can manually set the validity of the cache, depending on the file type. If we do not you ask the data too often or rarely. For images and javascript we can give an expiration date of 3 weeks and 3 days for text. WordPress will help W3 Total Cache .
63. Using a CDN: A content distribution network is a system by which visitors enter a parallel copy of your website hosted on another server. We benefit from protection, speed, cached copies and more features. It must be able to make some changes in your DNS server names. We can use for example the free version of CloudFlare
64. Do not use nested tables in HTML: It is quite common to fall into the mistake of using a table inside another, but can slow down much our page. Sometimes it is not easy to realize and what we discover with W3C Markup Validator
65 and no external CSS styles in the code. It is very common to apply the styles directly on the page and not on an external CSS file. If you use WordPress also happen to you. Try to use the predefined styles that you have the right editor, and if you do not try to write in the HTML tab and apply the styles that you have defined in your CSS. Save load time and effectively to changes.
66. external Java script and not in the code. Also we used to see much html and php code within javascript. It will always be preferable to link it from an external file, which in turn can combine with others, to cache and minimize if possible.
67. Check load times each page: Analyzes load times and bounce, and test alternatives and measures to improve usability. You can use again GTmetrix.
Essential tools to start with good SEO
69. Web Ceo: An online payment tool, but rather a free full version. It will help us monitor our links and keywords at the same time we can compare the data with Google Analytics. Web CEO Online
70. Screaming Frog: A tool to install on your computer. Analyzes and tracks like a web browser and our failures allows us to improve. Screaming Frog SEO Spider & Crawler Software Tool
71. All in One SEO Pack: The most complete for your WordPress SEO plugin. It allows us to do many functions that we discussed in this article. All in One SEO Pack
72. SEO by Yoast: Another alternative to the above, with many options and features to enhance our SEO. WordPress SEO by Yoast
73. W3 Total Cache: Cache is the most widely used plug-in WordPress and wonderful. There is another alternative, but this is very comprehensive. It will help to improve the speed of our website. W3 Total Cache
74. Seo Tools SEO Chat: It's the biggest collection of free online tools for SEO. Sure you get your web testing some useful information. SEO Chat SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization Tools
And the last step in a good position in search engine SEO
75. Leave a comment and link your blog: involvement with the community is the most important point of all. If we get recommendations we have to connect with the people who make them. If your contribution is interesting you will get visits from other readers. I probably visit your blog and maybe I link you or you share on social networks. And in any case at least Google will be linked our blogs and annotated our relationship and participation.
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