
Social networks, forums, video sites and many other pages are made ​​for users to discuss and share ideas about a particular topic. However, some people blundering comments and opinions expressed regarding that play football that could have changed the history of humanity can trigger the largest online battles.

We all fought on the Internet, we've all discussed in this way and even worse, we've hit all trolls and rats with children willing to take you out of proportion. Here we tell you what to do about it. 896
Calm down, do not avientes.

Well I Gonna give you some tips to get out of any successful discussion. These can be applied to real life, but have been specifically selected so you can win the rat discussion that annoying kid who keeps saying how boring you are.

1. Stay calm

dog learning to be calm :)

Do not be put. We understand how exciting it can become an issue or a sport, but do not let your feelings are what they write about you. Do not let your anger take you to respond in a wrong way.

Breathe if necessary, get away from your computer for a while, but do not respond in a hurry and answer something you'll regret later.

2. Consultation with others

"Did you kill or not kill him?"

Do not be afraid to talk to someone to see if your view is right. Sometimes we can be wrong unknowingly. This is based on social networks and your response may be recorded. Consult someone you can not just change your perspective but your opinion. Also, if you are not sure of the year when the first Star Wars movie was released and want to know, Internet searches.

3. Do not be cause


Trolls will try trollearte, it is his only purpose in life. Do not let provocative comments make you explode because if you do, the troll will have done their work.

Pick your battles, if you suspect someone is just trying to make you look like a fool, do not give your taste.

4. Be polite
"Now, queen, do not worry."

It has always been essential to keep her composure in any situation of conflict. It is advisable to be educated about sharing your comments and explain your reasons for which you differ with what was said by the other person.

In addition to maintaining their dignity and the defense of some basic principles of decency, his argument will have more authority if it is presented in a polite way.

5. Learn when to quit


Finally, realize when it is appropriate to get away from the situation. If you explain your reasons and grounds on several occasions and the other person seems enot understanding, retire with full honors. You do not always have the last word ... and then HACKEALE ACCOUNT.

Thats it Guys...Have fun.. ! :)

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