
I try to explain with 10 tricks that can serve as a checklist, for anyone who wants their website to be the first to Google.

I will try to explain How Google algorithm Works , which were too technical. Let's go for "The 10 Tricks to go first to Google" ;-):

1 Keywords: 

Choose either the keyword or keywords (hereinafter keywords), for which you want to position on Google. They should be queries that much to do. For this I recommend using:
  • A) the keyword tool of Google , which shows how many times each month on Google search is made. In addition, he says the searches related to you entered, to see which become more and less.
  • B) Related Searches, showing Google after the first 10 results when you do a search. They can also be seen after a search on "More tools" (left below) and then search Rueda.
2 domain:  

The domain name is the most important medium-term SEO strategies (for profane: up in Google).
  • If the search coincides exactly with the domain name, there is a good chance of being the first in that search.
  • If they're interested Libres register domains that exactly match the keyword of interest.
  • It also offers a blog (blogger or wordpress) whose domain is or Although a domain is better than a blog.
3 Landing page: 

 Make a web page in our specially designed for each of the keywords that interest us.
  • In that the most important thing is the title page (title tag in HTML). And more importantly the beginning of the title. If the title is long, the first words must be the keywords.
  • The keywords must also be in h1 tags, h2, h3 (titles, headlines or LETAS Large).
  • In bold.
  • In the texts of links: internal or external.
  • And in the normal text of the web.
  • But not too clever and spamming putting thousand times the keyword, because then Mr. Google gets angry and punishes you ... I speak from experience ;-). Must natural "look".
4 Pagerank sculpting:

In short, PageRank is the importance of each page, and depends on the number of links to pages that you receive. Pagerank the more you have, the more times Google shows you searches, the more it examines the contents of your site and above shows you (although not the only factor).
  • You have to tell Google what the most important pages of our website are putting internal links.
  • These pages must be the landing pages we have prepared.
  • To achieve this is the key anchor text (link text) to the landing pages.
  • These anchor texts should contain the keywords of the landing page, but not always exactly the keyword, so that "seem" natural and avoid penalties from Mr. Google.
  • Another way to pagerank sculpting is up in searches in which naturally leaves the website and in the top 10 of Google, to try to come out in the top of that search.
  • It is studied that 50% of people click Google searches result 1st, 2nd 25% and the remaining 25% results from the 3rd onwards. So be the first Google is key.
  • To know what we came up searches naturally, we may use or Keyrow Alexa.
5 outbound or external Links: links to other websites.
  • Here comes my theory about the pagerank, to explain to laymen: imagine the webs can help as a hub and liquid pagerank as they have inside. Each link to another web is a hole in the bucket, which makes some of the fluid (pagerank) go to that website and your website (your cube) is empty. If you get links from other sites, you get pagerank (liquid) of them and your site is filled. If the links are pages (with much pagerank), you get much more liquid. The more outgoing links have less PageRank flows through each of them. It is the continuous flow of pagerank. This is not what I'm making: behind there is a mathematical formula published by Google, which explains the flow pagerank. This formula adds a small factor that makes every time there is a link (transfer fluid) liquid miss something along the way (from 5% to 20%).
  • Then there's the Google robot (googlebot), which is an automated program that covers all web pages, then sort and display them when you Google (to index). Oversimplify, this robot is following the links to travel websites. If you have many links to other pages, the robot goes from your website to others: other indexes and does not look at yours.
  • And, to finish the theory, fluid flow can be understood as flow page views. The more links to other sites have, the more people will go to those sites and leave yours. Besides that Google will index you less and worse, will be shown below in searches and therefore receive fewer visits. The snake biting its tail.
  • Outgoing links pass PageRank to other pages. From this we can easily conclude that the ideal would be to have outbound links, but that Google sees it as "strange" and looks askance (penalties). Therefore it is better to have outbound links, but few. How many are few? I usually have less than 10 web.
  • For the structure of outgoing links it is key to know "the friend nofollow" nofollow is an HTML tag that tells Google not to follow that link. That is, at first glance looks a link, but Google that link does not exist.
6 starters Links: links to our website.
  • Google is becoming more semantic, so interested that the links are from related websites to our theme: our domains that have keywords in the domain, or from within our items with keywords in the title or text.
  • Also important is the anchor text (anchor text) link that reaches us. Containing the keyword for the page in question.
  • Google penalizes your site if links come from link farms (pages with too many outbound links) of pages penalized (issues of sex for example), or are bought ... Mr. Google penalizes links links purchased or leased: provided that account of which they are purchased.
7 Link Building: get links to the website.
  • Send press releases on a regular basis with one or two links to our website.
  • Exchange links with websites of similar themes: especially interested if the other is more your pagerank. And if you do not know much, send a link with the nofollow "link exchange" is pretty pirate ...
  • Request links: sometimes it works. The no longer you have it, that's wrong try.
  • RSS offer web: if someone gets that RSS on your site, you have more links.
  • Make controversial articles, so people the link, comment, wag, tweeted, etc.
  • Writing in forums put links in the firm.
  • Post comments on blogs
  • ... And a long list of spam techniques that I will not get involved.
8 Contents:
  • Many say that content is king ... then the queen should be the SEO, or rather, the prime minister 
  • Now no jokes: providing good content is important because it makes people link to you naturally.
  • If the content is updated frequently, Google will see more, do more and more sales indexes in searches.
9 Social SEO:
  • More and more weight to social networks Google.
  • Over time, they will be increasingly important.
  • Open up an account on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin and leave messages with links to your website. These three social networks are the most important right now.
  • Interested followers, friends or contacts quality. Is more important than quality are to be many. It's like what I said before pagerank. We could call staff rank.
10 Local and Mobile:
  • More and more people are looking from mobile: offers a mobile version of your site, to get up in searches from mobile.
  • Put your business in Google places, to go up in local searches (sales in mapitas showing), and in searches from mobile.
And after all this: wait. There is no system "go here and be the first to Google." Google takes time to raise your web ... sometimes months, sometimes years.
  • Here comes my advertising space: If you want to know how to get on Google and you need an expert to check Google rankings for your company, or your reputation on the internet 
        Thats it Guys Below you can leave your advice or questions ...

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