
One of the questions most performed in the world of blogging is like making money with a blog. If you already have a blog or would like to create one, do not miss this post where I explain the different methods currently exist to make money with a blog .

How to Make Money Online from a blog

You really can make money with a blog?

Yes you can, but do not think it's an easy ride.

Earn money with a blog is not easy and neither will get the short term, so forget about trying to make money with a blog if you want to make money quickly.

Every day thousands of blogs are created around the world and over 95% of them end up abandoned with less than 6 months old.

In this post I will focus only on methods to make money with a blog and in an upcoming post I will give you the complete guide to get it from scratch.
Many bloggers think that the only way to monetize a blog is with Google Adsense.

Many other hallucinating when they discover affiliate marketing, a much more profitable than Adsense method, but these are not the only methods with which you can generate income from your blog.

How to make money with a blog.

Then I want you to see the different options that blogging is when monetize your website for extra income or even a monthly salary.

1. CPC Advertising.

This is the method most widely used at the time to monetize a blog because of how easy and fast it can be implemented in a blog.

CPC stands for "cost per click", ie you get a small income each time a reader clicks on one of the ads implemented in the blog.
Surfing the Internet you can find many platforms CPC, although the best known and most reliable is Google Adsense .

To implement Adsense on your blog only you have to enter the website and register Adsense.

After a couple of days will approve your account and you can insert up to 3 ad blocks and three link units on your blog, can change the sizes, shapes, colors, etc., so that ads are perfectly adapted to the aesthetics of your blog.
From here you will not have to do anything more. Google will take care of everything else:

  • In such blocks ads appear relevant content for your readers.
  • As interesting ads to your readers or related to the topic of your blog, there will be more chances that readers click on the ads.
  • In this way readers can become potential customers of the company being advertised in the ad.
  • You get a small income for each click a reader to do an ad.
The amount you get by income depends on several factors such as the competition you have to advertise in that niche. (The more advertisers, but these will have to pay to appear in these ads).

The best paid themes are "safe", "lawyer", "+ name purchase product", etc, while other thematic poorly paid (usually the focus to teenagers or people with low purchasing power) as "ring tones for mobile "," Facebook "," funny pictures ", etc.

To find a profitable niche market you can use the planner Google Adwords keywords . (If you can not use it, do not go very far because in a few days I will publish a post focused on how to leverage this tool).

Note that to earn a decent amount of money with Adsense, your blog needs to receive a high amount of web traffic.

2. Affiliate Marketing.

This is one of my favorites when it comes to monetize a blog methods.
With affiliate marketing your aim is to recommend to your blog a product or service from another company, in exchange for a commission on every sale you get.

To make money with an affiliate program you must follow these steps:

  1. Register as a member of the affiliation platform.
  2. Get on that platform links to use to send users to the landing page of the vendor (these links contain your affiliate code).
  3. Use these links to your blog, either on a banner in the sidebar or in a post where you recommend the product.
  4. When a reader clicks on the link and eventually buys the product, you get a commission that is automatically added to your account proceeds from the platform.
  5. Every month or every two weeks the affiliation platform you enter the total amount of fees your bank account.

The best known affiliate program on the Internet worldwide is Amazon, but nowadays you can find businesses of all kinds in all sectors that use this method.
To find out if a company offers you the option of working with affiliate program can search the Internet for the following:
"Company name + affiliate".
Another option is that you sign up for affiliate networks like the following, where thousands of companies offering their products:

The amount of commission usually varies, depending on the company, but is usually between 3% and 75%.
The 3 best methods to succeed recommending products affiliate programs are:

  1. Performing full product analysis (analysis of Dolce Gusto coffee machine).
  2. Performing comprehensive guides on how to perform a particular task, in which the product is needed. (How to analyze the competence of a given niche with Long Tail Pro ).
  3. Performing comparisons between several similar products (Top 3 on online marketing eBooks).

3. Advertising CPA.

The CPA acronyms refer to "cost per action". In this case, you must use a link or banner to which the reader is sent to a landing page, where you must perform a certain action so you get your commission.

Such action usually register on a website, filling out a survey, enter your personal data or phone number, etc.

The percentage of readers who come to perform that action is always less than the percentage
of readers who simply click on an ad (CPC), so the CPA commissions are greater than the CPC.
On the other hand, it is normal that the percentage of readers who take the action required in the CPA always be greater than the percentage of readers who end up buying a product (affiliate program).

To succeed with the CPA is important that the theme of your blog is focused on the theme of the advertisement.

You'll get much better results with an announcement of "seeing online games" on a sports blog that if a blog Real estate purchases.

Example web with CPA.
  • . This insurance comparator has the typical design of a blog, but it works with the method of the CPA.

4. Sale of own products.

One of the best ways to make money blogging is by selling your own products, as you decide the price and you must not add margins for intermediaries.

The most popular for making money with this method is selling digital products, eBooks, courses, guides, etc., but you can also be used with the sale of physical products type.
The good thing about selling digital products is that you do not have limits on the number of products you can sell.

When selling physical products the system is a little more complicated, having to keep track product stock, make shipments of products purchased, fault management or returns, etc.
Because of how difficult it is to manage all these details, many choose to use the method Dropshipping to recommend physical products of a particular store and not have to worry about anything, because the provider is responsible for the whole process.

To succeed selling your own products, you have to create a quality product, because if not, your online reputation will fall so you floors and finish the business.
It is also important to focus well who want to offer your products.

Examples of blogs with own product sales.

  • Lifestyle squared . Franck Scipion is having a brutal success selling their courses on email marketing, blogging, etc.
  • Problogger . Darren Rowse has come to get $ 30,000 from the sale of their eBooks on your blog.

5. Direct Advertising.

A method often used to raise revenue with a blog is direct mail, namely, providing potential advertisers ad space on your blog, be it a banner, a link or a review which you speak in a post about them.

To get advertisers You can look at the companies that appear unannounced on your blog with Adsense, then contact them and offer them a banner fixed for a certain period of time.

Once your blog gets plenty of web traffic, you will not bother to look for advertisers, since they will be contacting you directly.

Blog example with direct mail.
  • John's blog will also generates enough money with this method (John can come at $ 500 per month for a single banner).

6. Services.

When you write a blog (especially in a personal blog), you can get a position in a certain niche market where people see you as an expert on this topic.

This expert level gives you the chance to offer your services to the readers of your blog.
In my case, I have shown my readers that I managed to make money with a blog, so I offer blogging service.

To succeed with this method especially sorry that you have gained the trust of your readers, something that does not get in the overnight.

To get that confidence you can use certain methods like having a page "About" on your blog, where your readers you can learn a little more, or a section of testimonials where you can publish testimonials from customers who have already hired your services and They have been satisfied.

Example of blog services.
  • Maider has positioned his blog as an expert copywriter and as such offers its services to companies that need specific texts for their websites.

7. Donations.

When you publish quality content on your blog, it is very possible that you are helping people to solve a possible problem.

For this reason I think it is not crazy to offer your readers the opportunity to donate a small amount to help you keep working steadily in your blog.

In Anglo-Saxon countries it is more common to use this method, while Spanish speakers are something more "caught" and difficult for us to release more money, although I think it might be a good chance to offer to readers who feel they've helped them and they want repay the aid in any way.

For your readers to donate to your blog, you can generate a donation button in Paypal and quantities entering your readers you go directly to your Paypal account.

To succeed with this method is advisable to have a hint of originality and customize the button with a message such as "buy me a coffee".
Sample blog can donate.

  • Steve Pavlina . One of the best bloggers focused on personal development and offers the possibility to donate your readers to your blog. Sometimes it has come to generate $ 2,000 with this method.

Finally I want to know your opinion in a comment.
What do you think of blog monetization methods mentioned?
Which of these are you using?
Do you think there is some mention additional method?

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