
Earn money with a blog is not as complicated as some paint, it is difficult to do so quickly. Is it possible to make money with a blog quickly, say 2 or 3 months? We will see below.

Can you make money with a blog quickly?

Many think that to make money online with a blog just type a couple of times a week and sit back and wait for the Adsense revenue start arriving.

Internet businesses do not work well.

If you are working as an employee and want to earn extra income to medium / long term or even want to live someday passive income, but not in a hurry, creating a blog is something you really recommend it, but if all you want is to make money quickly things get complicated.

Google Adsense?

Adsense pays really little and earn a reasonable amount every month need to receive thousands of visits daily, something difficult to achieve in 2 or 3 months.

Do you program for affiliates?

More of the same.
Perhaps with little traffic get occasional sale, but if you want a steady income, need time to generate the appropriate traffic and confidence to your readers not trust you and decide to buy what you recommend.

To sell your own product?

There is time to gather your knowledge in a book and publish it on your blog or Amazon, but if you take time to get visitors to your blog or reputation to your way through Amazon or other platforms.

So it is impossible to make money online quickly?

Do not.
The fastest way to start earning some money is .... Offering your services.

How I can offer my services?

  • Create a blog about a specific service, which explain in detail what people can get from you.
  • Explains including your service and what is not included.
  • Put a competitive price and to make it clear at all times what the customer will pay, no surprises.
  • It includes a picture because it generates confidence.
  • It includes opinions of people who have already hired you on occasion (I know it's confusing at first when you have not yet hired anyone).
  • Promote your service.

How can-you-make-money-with-blog-quickly-in-2015 

The last point is the most complicated of all, but you have several tools at your disposal to do so.

  • Publish your new service networks and ask your friends on Facebook and Twitter to help you disseminate information.
  • Invest in Google Adwords or Facebook Ads 
    for the first customers.
  • Look after your first customers to make them happy and begin to recommend.
  • Looking very specific and with little competition keywords with which you can position your blog in the short term.


You are very well want to make money with a blog monetize with Adsense or affiliate programs, but if you want to make money as fast as possible, forget about these methods and begins to offer a service of something that you know to do.

Do you have experience earning income on the internet?
Did you manage to make money in the short term?
Share with us how you did it.

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